Why Develop An Enterprise Mobile App?
Mobile apps bring a whole new realm of efficiency to the enterprise. Whether the app is designed for customers or used internally by employees, users can access the app at anytime and anywhere. When building an enterprise app you combine both connectivity and convenience for users. Mobile apps are effective because users keep them so close, and in fact, closer than any other object in their lives: 91% of users keep their device within arm’s reach 100% of the time (Source: China Mobile 50k survey; Morgan Stanley Research; 2011. )
Along with the intimacy that mobile devices bring comes integration with its capabilities. For a sales rep, it means getting rid of reams of old paper catalogs and replacing them with up-to-date, real-time product catalogs. Not only that, but they can access presentations and videos, either to educate themselves or to show to a prospect. A sales rep can quickly pull up information and tell stories with graphics in a much more memorable way. A more informed and efficient rep can sell products better, which in turn boosts revenue.
Apps can also be designed to provide customer service to users. This means that your customers can find the answers they need more quickly and without calling your service line. Not only does customer satisfaction go up, but costs go down. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, your company can become more efficient and better serve your customers.
Internal Enterprise Podcasting
Since the iPhone is an excellent communication device, MobileCast Media can help you use it effectively it for internal communication. It helps if employees get regular audio updates from senior leaders via a process called internal enterprise podcasting. In this way employees of the company can know how their company works, and this understanding in turn helps them get things done quickly.
Audio updates can be hosted in a secure company communication app. MobileCast Media can do the whole project on a turnkey basis, including recording, or we can do the parts of it you need. Research has shown that when an information vacuum develops, employees fill in the blanks on their own, and this often creates false rumors. The benefit of having an internal communication app with regular audio updates is that senior leadership can explain strategy in a fireside chat type of setting that fills the information vacuum and increases morale.
Securing an Enterprise Mobile App
Security is paramount with employees carrying devices everywhere they go, so it is important to anticipate vulnerabilities and implement remote wiping. It’s possible to remotely wipe a device if it hasn’t checked into the network within a certain timeframe.
Using Audio and Video to Educate Customers
For external communication, audio and video work well in an app to educate customers, demo products and services, and provide an interactive experience from your company that helps drive sales. Research shows that this type of interaction helps prospects and customers get to know your company and increases the chance of them becoming loyal customers.
Businesses like calling on MobileCast Media because we have 10 years of experience at helping enterprises leverage mobile platforms. You probably have a lot invested in your back office systems. At MobileCast Media, we have years of experience not only with Oracle and SAP applications, but also with Salesforce.
Why not hire in-house? You can, and many do, but this is expensive and you don’t always hire experienced employees. Individual developers tend to have a fairly narrow experience, but you need access to experienced developers derived from dozens of app releases. You need people who know the latest APIs and best practices. MobileCast Media has the experience you need because our enterprise app development team has designed, developed, and released dozens of apps. Without this experience, you may well be releasing apps with stunted capabilities and stale functionality. With our experience, you can take advantage of the latest advances, develop apps quickly, and enjoy higher returns from dollars invested.
If you already have an in-house team, MobileCast Media can supplement your team on an as needed basis. We are experts at enterprise mobile strategy, enterprise mobile app design including UI and UX, requirements gathering and documentation, enterprise app development, testing, release and adoption, including change management. We can do the whole thing or just fill in as needed.