Looking to Produce Content for Your Mobile App?
Mobile apps are hungry for unique content and this is frequently where apps tend to fail – they don’t produce enough compelling content. This is where the experts of MobileCast Media can help. We can generate a steady stream of compelling content to feed your apps. With the right content, you can build long-term relationships with your prospects that build trust and helps convert opportunities into sales. Whether written content, audio podcasts, or mobile app videos video, we know how to target and appeal to your audience’s interests.
Creating compelling content involves storytelling and in this age of new media, we use video, music, and words to create our story. The combination of these media plus the fact that more video is now watched on mobile devices creates a specialty, and that’s what MobileCast Media was founded to specialize in 10 years ago. We are masters at story telling on mobile devices.
The first type of content we help our clients with is video. A video based app needs lots of content and not just one video will do. Whether you want to drive sales or change perceptions on an issue, a video series is highly effective. Why is this so? Because an episodic series builds your audience over time, and this is curious because some business leaders don’t care about this or know what to do with an audience. They want to spend money on advertising. The reality is, the old way of influencing through the 30 second spot is going away. People are watching less TV, and more of them are zipping through ads on their DVR. The new way of advertising in this social age is to gain an audience by creating high quality and engaging content.
User audience is where the value is and that’s what you want to build. To show the value of having users in one place, let’s look at a software example. Facebook bought 600 million users in it’s $19 billion dollar acquisition of WhatsApp. In this case the average cost is about $42 dollars per user. Ok, that’s software. For pure content, AOL bought Huffington Post for $315 million dollars with 24 million readers, which runs about $13 dollars per user. What this shows is in these modern days, the value is in having your own audience, and the way you develop audience is through content. There is power in owning the content and owning the audience – nobody can take it from you.
At MobileCast Media, we are experts at building an audience through video, audio or text media. Here are the services our customers enjoy:
Media Strategy – We determine the best way to reach a specific audience and influence them on a specific issue, such as your product, service, or cause. This includes consideration of content strategy, format, voice, and selection of media.
Video Production – Call us for end-to-end, full service video production. Here are the components:
- Scripting
- Talent Selection
- Location Scouting
- Scenery
- Lighting
- Makeup
- Acting coaching, including executive coaching
- Shooting, including green screen
- Editing
- Distribution, including TV, online channels, and release as a video podcast
Audio Production – We’ve worked with the best of the best and have done everything from high-end studio work to audio podcasting.
- Scripting
- Voice talent selection, or coaching if it’s you
- Recording
- Editing
- Distribution, including radio and podcast channels
Written Content – Packaging of nearly any video or audio program involves a lot of writing these days and we can handle that for you.
- Headlines
- White Papers
- Blog Posts
Use the form in the upper right to contact MobileCast Media so we can discuss your project. Contact us today!